Monday, October 1, 2012

Birthday Trees

Mommy and Jack pose in front of Jack0

Jackie in the hole

Dominic in the hole

Following our tradition of planting a tree each year for the kids' birthdays, we just finished our 3rd and final tree this past weekend.  Above, we planted Jack0 and Dominic4 by Strawberry Lake near the big Barry Point Fire that burned closeby this summer (94,000 acres).  Jack0 is a ponderosa pine, and Dominic4 is an incense cedar (Daddy's favorite tree around here).  Here's a short video of the boys starting the holes to help Daddy!
Patrick2 was a Colorado blue spruce that we planted near our house by Deadman's Creek.  Since it's an exotic species here, we planted it in the urban part of town near a place we often walk.  It was a little dark, then Paddy seemed to find something interesting in his nose later, too (hahahaha).

Patrick in the hole

"Daddy, got a boogie in dere."

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