Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Ready to go trick or treating-- at this point it was struggle to get Paddy out of the door as he had found the candy- wrappers and all
Jake the Bear and Paddy the dragon and Dominic the cowboy ready to leave- after sampling our candy...

After trick or treating- Dominic with the spooky mask- before we left for trick or treating; Dominic had answered the door with out pants and without underwear!! Thankfully he is only 3,,, creepy indeed.
Paddy ready for more candy-

Dominic at school- with pirates, princesses and spidy

Kids at the preschool- almost ready to leave-

Mike's sole intent this year was to have ME win the pumpkin carving contest-- so after careful thought the HONKERS, our school mascot- I was sure would win. No more carved baskets with flowers but our high school mascot- a sure winner, then some others to buffer the votes, spread them out a bit...

Mike worked very hard on them all-- but the mold took them over the day before the contest, and Paddy kicked one in the face as well-- we entered the 3rd one above and got 3rd place out of 4 pumpkins. Incidently the winning pumpkin was AWESOME,, i'm going to try to find a picture of it, shellac'ed and on a mission-- they knew I wanted the prize and they stepped it up with the drummel and paint and shellac--

1 comment:

JT said...

The kids are adorable. Really adorable. I'm laughing at your pumpkins though. They're lovely. But you guys crack me up. I miss you! And I need to see those boys!