Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Dog and Paddy in a Can

Here are the first of many long-awaited fotos. It's been a little busy around the Tighe house lately, but we wanted to share the following. Here is Patrick in a popcorn can, then Dommy with the dog stuffed animal on the deck. It's Kirsten's favorite stuffed animal from childhood, and we gave it one last hug before it bit the dust last week! The summer's going fast now, as it almost frosted last night and we had to cover the entire garden. Already missing the evenings out on the deck and eating outside...


Unknown said...

omg "Paddy in a Can" sounds like something yummy! Thanks for posting some new pics. I was having withdrawal symptoms.

Jemima said...

Poor Paddy... first born gets racecar bed, he has to sleep in a can ;)

Unknown said...

so cute, demasiado bello Patrick, he seems to smart and curious about his brother, he must love him and admire him...thank you for sharing this great pictures.LOVE THEM

Unknown said...

so cute, demasiado bello Patrick, he seems to smart and curious about his brother, he must love him and admire him...thank you for sharing this great pictures.LOVE THEM